July Bites

I seriously can’t believe that it’s the end of July and I’m hopping on a plane in a little over 2 weeks! We’ve been having some great weather lately that hardly feels like winter at all – which I love. These photos feel like spring and that makes me happy. I’ve been working on so many different projects that I … Read More

June Bites

June was a big month! I started out on a health kick – lots of walks and trying to eat better – but was derailed a little due to a week of terrible weather and my birthday! But I’m back on the bandwagon now and went on a nice 5km walk today. Please don’t freak out if there’s not quite as … Read More

May Bites

I feel like May flew past in an instant. Some days I felt a little stuck and the creativity wasn’t flowing. I took that opportunity to catch up with friends and try a few great new places. It was so nice to take a little trip to Melbourne, even though it was short, but I felt a new energy after … Read More

April Bites

April was a funny month. I can’t believe it’s over, but at the same time Easter feels like so long ago. I feel like winter has snuck up on us early this year – so of course I caught a nasty cold ๐Ÿ™ But there was still lots of good food and fun moments in between bowls of chicken soup … Read More

March Bites

Autumn is my favourite time to live in Sydney. The nights are starting to get cooler now, but we are still enjoying beautiful warm days. The last summer stone fruits sits alongside new season apples and pears. This month I wrapped up several design projects, booked a trip to Penang in October, worked hard and played hard. It’s hard to … Read More

February Bites

It’s hard to believe that we are now two months deep into 2015. February has been all about work, but with some fun times too – catching up with friends, movie nights and little adventures. Summer may be over, but I’m keeping it alive as long as the weather will co-operate with a few more beach trips and eating lots … Read More

January Bites

I canโ€™t believe that January is nearly over already. This year has truly started with a bang and Iโ€™m feeling very inspired. And very busy! Thereโ€™s some new branding and website projects in the works. Iโ€™ve been doing a lot of photo shoots and some travel plans are starting to shape up, which is so exciting since it feels like … Read More