Plum and Pedro Ximénez Crumble

I’ve always thought of plums as more of an autumn fruit than a summer one, but with this uncharacteristically cool and wet summer that we’ve been having, this sort of dessert has never seemed more appropriate! If you’re in Sydney you’ll know what I mean, and the long range forecast doesn’t look much better with rain predicted almost every day … Read More

Mixed Berry Cobbler with Buttermilk Pastry

If I were forced to choose only one kind of sweet to make for the rest of my life, it would have to be gorgeous, rustic, Southern-style fruit desserts. From pies to crisps, buckles to slumps, I am in love with them all…especially their curious names! You can’t really go wrong with baked fruit and pastry with a big scoop … Read More

Spiced Baked Muscat Custards

Christmas has sort of snuck up on me this year. While the decorations have been out in the shops since October, our summer weather isn’t really playing along and it’s hard to get into the spirit of an Aussie Christmas when you’re still wearing a coat in December! So with just days to go, I thought I’d embrace my favourite … Read More

Pimm’s Jelly

Ever since making the Toffee Apple Trifles, with that amazing apple cider jelly layer that stole the show, I’ve been thinking up ideas for other kinds of boozed-up jellies. Of course champagne or moscato works a treat and is wonderfully festive, but I was keen to recreate one of my favourite drinks – the Pimm’s Cup – in jelly form. … Read More

Chocolate and Muscat Puddings

Sarah Wilson recently wrote a great article about being “too busy to live life“, and it rang true for me. It’s something I’ve been feeling for a while. Between my day job, my freelance design work, my blog, commuting two hours every day, normal day to day responsibilities, and trying to achieve some semblance of a social life, where on … Read More

Blackberry and Almond Clafoutis

I wish I had a great story to tell with this recipe, but alas, this time I do not. The truth is that I was looking for something quick and delicious to satisfy my sweet tooth, preferably without having to leave the house to shop for ingredients! Clafoutis is a great standby for an easy and impressive dessert using ingredients … Read More

Vanilla Bean Rice Pudding with Poached Rhubarb

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. I’m completely powerless against a gorgeous bunch of rhubarb. So much so, I picked one up at Harris Farm, and had to carry it around the city with me for the rest of the afternoon, all the way to The Rocks for dinner, then to Bondi, with the green leaves poking … Read More

Chocolate Chestnut Self Saucing Puddings

My maternal grandmother was a bit of a mystery; there is a lot that I don’t know about her. Different people knew her by different names – Grace or Marcelle. To me she was Nanny – full of love, laughs, encouragement and good advice. She taught me to share my toys with my little sister, and to keep inside the … Read More

Lemon Delicious with French Earl Grey Ice Cream

The idea for this recipe has been in the works for a while now. It started at Café Ish, when a bunch of bloggers went for All You Can Eat Ribs on a Wednesday night. The ribs were amazing but the highlight of the night for me was the Lemon Delicious that was served for dessert, with the intriguing hit … Read More

Quince and Almond Crumble

We’re now well and truly into winter here in Sydney. I usually sound like a little ridiculous whinging about our relatively mild winters, but it has been truly cold the last few days! Sydney city has been having record low temperatures, but it’s been even colder where I live, as low as 1°C when I’ve left the house in the … Read More