My Mum’s biggest weakness is definitely chocolate, but second to that I think it’s jam. I remember her sitting down with a cup of tea and toast with jam in the afternoon and just taking some time out to enjoy a small break. I highly doubt that this happened every day – between piano lessons and homework help and dinner prep – which made it even more special for her. A few uninterrupted minutes to flick through a magazine and enjoy her afternoon tea.
- 500g plums
- 375g raw sugar
- 50ml water
- Juice of half a lemon
- 2 vanilla beans, seeds scraped
- 2 star anise
For the plum and vanilla bean jam, halve plums, remove stones and into 3cm pieces. Place plums, sugar, water, lemon juice, vanilla seeds and bean and star anise in a large heavy-based saucepan on medium heat. Bring to the boil and cook for 20 minutes, or until fruit is soft. Increase heat and cook, stirring often, for 20–30 minutes. To check if jam has reached setting point, place 1 teaspoon of mixture onto a chilled plate. Tip the plate; if the jam runs, cook for a further 5 minutes, then try again. Remove the vanilla beans and star anise and pour into sterilised jars while still hot.
- 300g rhubarb
- 2 pears, peeled
- 1 lemon, juiced
- 125g cup raw sugar
- ½ vanilla bean, seeds scraped
- 30ml water
- 60ml gin
For the rhubarb, pear and gin jam, wash each stem of well. Chop rhubarb into 5cm lengths and place into a saucepan. Cut pear into 3cm cubes. Add lemon juice, sugar, vanilla bean and water and cool over medium high heat for 5 minutes or until rhubarb and pears starts to soften. Remove lid, reduce heat to low and simmer gently for 10-25 minutes, stirring often until rhubarb is thick and pulpy and pear has started to soften. Any large pieces of pear remaining can be mashed with a fork or potato masher. Add gin, remove from the heat and set aside to cool. Spoon into a clean sterilised jar and refrigerate until ready to serve.