Lamington Ice Cream Pops

lamington ice cream pop
Australia Day is one of my favourite holidays. It’s by far the most relaxed, a great excuse to spend time with friends over a few beers and fire up the BBQ. I also like showcasing some classic Australian dishes here on my blog, with one of my favourite (obviously) being the Lamington. Last year I recreated it in doughnut form, which was awesome, but this year I wanted to turn it into ice cream. Chocolate and coconut are two things that work together so well, so I had high hopes for these little ice cream pops.

While they aren’t the prettiest dessert I’ve ever made, I still loved them. They were better than a Magnum ice cream. I used my favourite no churn ice cream recipe, which has to be the easiest in the world. Using only a handful of ingredients you can create a delicious and super creamy ice cream without a fancy ice cream maker that can be adapted in any way you can think of. Can’t get much better than that!

lamington ice cream pop
I used high quality chocolate both in the ice cream itself and for the coating and then rolled it in coconut chips for extra crunch. However if coconut chips aren’t available where you live, some toasted shredded coconut would also be delicious. You could also swap the chocolate ice cream for vanilla or coconut, or even strawberry if you prefer! Unfortunately the coating wasn’t quite as even as I would have liked, so if anyone has any suggestions as to how to do this better next time, I’m all ears!

These pops can be made well in advance and kept in the freezer and I think would be the perfect sweet ending for any Australia Day celebrations you’ve got planned this long weekend!

For more Australian dishes, click here

lamington ice cream pop

Lamington Ice Cream Pops

Makes 8 (you will have some ice cream leftover)

Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream

  • 2 cups thickened cream
  • 1 can (400ml) sweetened condensed milk
  • 200g quality dark chocolate, melted
  • 1 teaspoon coconut extract
To serve
  • 150g quality dark chocolate, melted
  • Coconut chips, or toasted shredded coconut
To make the ice cream, place the thickened cream in a bowl or stand mixer and whip until soft peaks form. In the meantime, whisk together condensed milk, melted chocolate and coconut extract in a separate large bowl. Fold whipped cream into chocolate mixture gently until fully combined. Divide evenly between greased popsicle moulds and freeze for 1 hour. After they have begun to freeze, place popsicle sticks into each and return to the freezer for 8 hours or overnight. They must be fully frozen before continuing. You will have some ice cream left over, this can be frozen in a loaf pan or container. Use within 2 weeks.
Unmould pops by running a little warm water around the mould and remove pops one by one. Working quickly, dip each ice cream pop into the melted chocolate to cover evenly. Roll pops in coconut chips or shredded coconut, place on a tray lined with non-stick baking paper and return to the freezer for at least 1 hour.

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2 Comments on “Lamington Ice Cream Pops”

  1. Pingback: 10 Aussie inspired dessert recipes

  2. Pingback: DIY Pavlova Bar for Australia Day - Spicyicecream

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