GourmetRabbit Issue 2

At the Food Bloggers Christmas picnic in 2009, I offered a bright and friendly red-haired girl a fruit mince pie. I didn’t know it at the time, but that girl would quickly become my business partner and one of my best friends. She had grand ambitions, and somehow I landed in her life just in time to help turn them … Read More


I’ve mentioned the “little” project I’ve been working on with Denea, the lovely Miss Jessica Rabbit, over the last few weeks but now I am more than happy to show you with pride, and a little bit of disbelief on my part that we made a magazine! GourmetRabbit is 76 pages of pure content, bridging the gap between industry professionals … Read More

Vanilla Flecked

I’m now down to the business end of this Vanilla Project. The fun conceptualising part is over, now is the actual production part, made trickier by the fact that I’m still learning Dreamweaver and Flash! The website had to have an environmental aspect to it, and in my early research I learned about the Rainforest Vanilla Conservation Association. The concept … Read More

Utterly Gorgeous

At the moment, I’m working on a really interesting and fun project at college. It is still in progress, and I’ve been filling a sketchbook with ideas and thumbnails for a website about vanilla. One of the things I love most about my course is the ability to explore issues that we’re passionate about and food is a definitely recurring … Read More